Serie de videos de inicio inteligente

Starting a Small Business?

The Iowa SBDC Smart Start series is the perfect way to begin your journey to starting your own business.  The series will take you through the planning process all the way through the fine details of critical decisions, developing a business plan and cash flow projections. We suggest that you watch the videos and get in touch with your Consejero del SBDC de Iowa en su área para brindarle asistencia personalizada.

Marque esta página para acceder fácilmente a los videos si no los completa de una vez. En su teclado, haga clic en Control + D

1 | Start-up Basics

2 | Concept Feasibility

3 | Critical Issues & Decisions

4 | Legalities, Permits & Licenses

5 | Business Plan & Financials

6 | Arrange Financing

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