Covid-19 Blog

Is an SBA 7(a) Loan the Right Business Financing Option for Right Now? – Blog post from Ryan Collins, a commercial lender with Lincoln Savings Bank

Is an SBA 7(a) Loan the Right Business Financing Option for Right Now? With the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) reporting that 92% of small businesses have been negatively impacted by coronavirus pandemic, the Small Business Administration has become an even more critical financial resource. The SBAā€™s business relief Payroll Protection Program has captured

Is an SBA 7(a) Loan the Right Business Financing Option for Right Now? – Blog post from Ryan Collins, a commercial lender with Lincoln Savings Bank Read More Ā»

How to Succeed in Building an Online Amazon Retail Business

COVID-19 has caused many small businesses to rethink their selling methods. Just because your doors are closed, doesnā€™t mean you have to stop selling your products. Becoming an Amazon retailer will help you sell your products online. Follow these steps from Todd Rausch, Western Iowa Tech SBDC Regional Director, to learn how to start your

How to Succeed in Building an Online Amazon Retail Business Read More Ā»

Reinventing Your Small Business to Survive COVID-19 — Blog Post from Iowa Western SBDC Director, Sue Pitts

There is a video of Simon Sinek and his team on YouTube where he talks to his team about pivoting their roles in his business. He talks about how COVID-19 is NOT unprecedented. That although very sudden and devastating, Covid-19 is not the first-time businesses have been challenged. The Internet changed the way we shop,

Reinventing Your Small Business to Survive COVID-19 — Blog Post from Iowa Western SBDC Director, Sue Pitts Read More Ā»

Pivoting Today for Opportunities Tomorrow Advice for Small Businesses during COVID-19

As locally, nationally and globally, people are utilizing practices such as physical distancing and staying in place, many small businesses are being disrupted. Whether it be because of industry shutdowns, employee inability to work, lack of access to customers, cancelled events and travel restrictions, supply chain interruptions, cash flow shortages or a variety of other

Pivoting Today for Opportunities Tomorrow Advice for Small Businesses during COVID-19 Read More Ā»

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