FarmTable Delivery, Harlan

In the fall of 2013, Ellen Walsh-Rosmann was struck with an idea. As a vegetable farmer in Harlan, Iowa and a new mother of two, Ellen realized how difficult it was to market and deliver her produce in an efficient manner to customers. She decided to start a business which would allow farmers to sell vegetables in a ā€œsustainable and local way while maximizing efficiency of transportation.ā€ In November of 2013, Ellen decided to turn her idea into a full-fledged business and began FarmTable Delivery.

In 2015, Ellen reached out to the SBDC at Iowa Western to seek financial guidance and gain a better understanding of cash flow for FarmTable Delivery. Ellen describes her experience in working with the SBDC as ā€œvery positive and encouraging, they make me feel good about what Iā€™m doing as a small business owner while also being a great sounding board for my ideas.ā€

FarmTable Delivery emphasizes giving back to the community and has donated thousands of pounds of food to the local community kitchen since they have opened. Additionally, they prioritize being an equal opportunity employer and have hired multiple individuals in their community with disabilities. FarmTable Delivery is up to 5 part-time and 2 full-time employees and has experienced nothing but ā€œpositive growth while expanding their services.ā€

FarmTable Delivery plans to ā€œcontinue doing what weā€™re doing and sustaining our business.ā€ According to Ellen, ā€œThe Small Business Development Center has helped give me confidence as a business owner to grow my small business. They have provided reliability, accountability, and given me direction for future growth.ā€

To learn more about FarmTable Delivery, please visit their website at

Written by: Jolene Schaefer

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