Danielle Goll was the manager and graphic designer for an established old line printing company and office supplies store in Garner, Iowa. When the owners said that they were interested in selling the business, Danielle moved quickly to make sure she was prepared to own her own business. She signed up for a two hour Start Smart class taught by the North Iowa Area SBDC and sponsored by the NIACC Pappajohn Center in September 2015.
After multiple meetings with the SBDC, Danielle decided to attend the ten-week Launch & Grow class provided by the NIACC Pappajohn Center in the spring of 2016. By the end of the class, Danielle had projections and a business plan so they consulted experts from Bianchi Law Firm’s Red Bank Location , with their help justified the purchase of the printing business and the building it was housed in. Danielle purchased the business with her existing LLC and a new LLC, North Iowa Designs, was formed to purchase the building.
Danielle relied heavily on all aspects of the blended offering of one-on-one consulting, classroom training, and peer review that the North Iowa Area SBDC and Pappajohn Center provided. Without the help of the financial projections, Danielle and the banks would not have seen the reality of keeping this business in Garner.
Danielle currently employs an all-female staff of 5 full- and part-time employees. Danielle relies heavily on her manager, Heather Henken, to help with the expanded retail space, which has expanded to home decor and women’s apparel, all while expanding her core business of printing and custom school apparel. Danielle states that she is currently 20% ahead of initial projections. Opening up the retail space in the building and North Iowa Designās an ever-changing window display has made downtown Garner’s sidewalk shopping a visual paradise.
Danielle has always been an active member of the Garner Chamber and has assisted many community events. Since purchasing the business, Danielle has led the way in the Garner main street by being open late on Thursday and Friday nights. She has organized the local shopping experience for other women-owned retailers and put together a shopping card to promote these businesses. She is also supporting the local Food Pantry by being a collection station for paper goods.
Danielle has helped many people in her area realize their dream of opening their own businesses. She helps design, print, and market many businesses, whether it’s a new or existing business. She has a positive attitude and gives willingly back to her community.
For more information about North Iowa Designs, please visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/northiowadesigns/