Quality Machine of Iowa, Inc.

Governor Branstad and Lt. Governor Reynolds visited Quality Machine of Iowa, Inc. on Oct. 2, 2013 as part of their celebration of National Manufacturing Week (Sept. 30-Oct. 4). Quality Machine was one of ten Iowa manufacturing facilities visited across the state during the week. The tour gave the Governor and Lt. Governor an opportunity to highlight the contributions of Iowaā€™s manufacturers and their employees and encourage additional job growth through Iowaā€™s manufacturing sector.

Below are a few pictures from the visit.

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Inside Quality Machine of Iowa offices, above from left to right are: Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds, Quality Machine of Iowa President Tim Greene, North Central Iowa SBDC Regional Director Lisa Shimkat, and Governor Terry Branstad. Lisa is the SBDC counselor who has been helping Tim grow his business.

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Above are the companyā€™s employees with Governor Terry Branstad, Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds, and President Tim Greene outside of Quality Machine of Iowaā€™s production facility on Oct. 2, 2013.

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Just before the visit ended, Governor Branstad (left) and Lt. Governor Reynolds (right) again congratulated and thanked Quality Machine of Iowa President Tim Greene (center) for allowing them to tour his companyā€™s facilities and for the great work that his company is doing for Iowa.

For more about Tim and his business, read his success story and the special entrepreneur award he earned.

For more information on this successful Iowa manufacturer, you can also go to the companyā€™s website.

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