Worth Brewing, Northwood

Worth Brewing Company has grown from a home-brewery to a wholesale distributor in 10 years, and continues to achieve success. Peter Ausenhus and Margaret Bishop were

purely hobbyists before 2006 when they decided to take their home-brewery to the next level. They began attending SBDC-sponsored Fast Track classes to gain a better understanding of the basics of running a business.

After 8 years of operating as a small-scale brewery, the husband-and-wife duo got in touch with the SBDC again, this time for assistance in evaluating business sites and entering the wholesaling market for beer. The SBDC helped them analyze financing options and arrange their first meeting with a beer distributor. Regarding their experience with the SBDC and with their counselor Brook Boehmler, Peter replied that it has been ā€œvery positive. Theyā€™re always enthusiastic and willing to find ways to make our plan work.ā€

Now in 2017, Worth Brewing is flourishing. They have expanded their marketing to incorporate social media, have had a 150% increase in traffic to the tap room, and are expanding into the event space market. They look forward to increasing their wholesale business and growing their events business by 100-300% over the next few years.

ā€œThe SBDC has always been there to lend guidance to our financial, marketing and other business requirements throughout our existence. We would recommend any budding entrepreneur seek out the expertise and programs offered by the center.ā€

For more information on Worth Brewing, please visit their website at https://www.worthbrewing.com/.

Written by: Jolene Schaefer

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